North Kensington Library campaign speakers
North Kensington Library history


The next Library Forum will take place on Thurs 25th July 6-8pm at the Library. Please contact the Library directly for further details.

North Kensington Social Justice Archive


Memorandum of Understanding

The Friends of North Kensington Library co-wrote a public statement of commitment to the Library signed by:

  • Cllr Elizabeth Campbell, Leader of the Council
  • Cllr Kim Taylor-Smith, Deputy Leader of the Council
  • Cllr Catherine Faulks, Lead member for Skills and Enterprise
  • Cllr Robert Atkinson, Leader of the Labour Group
  • Cllr Monica Press, Councillor for Colville Ward
  • Barry Quirk, Chief Executive
  • Sue Harris, Executive Director for Environment and Communities
  • Rt Hon Nick Hurd MP, Minister for Grenfell Victims 

Read in full PDF

Using Library

The Library is a great place to hold all sorts of events, contact Library Services to enquire and let us know via our social media pages.

 020 7361 3010
Council Website