our library saved

Young People's Climate Debate

It's Young People who will be the worst affected by Climate Change.

Luckily for Our Planet, young people are taking matters into their own hands in the fight to prevent a Climate Disaster.

Campaigns like #fridaysforfuture have created Global Movements linking people on all continents with common desire to change the way we live our lives and make Governments act.

An example of this is #youth4climatejustice who are stating that basic human rights are being taken away from them; in their 'right to life' legal action against 33 Countries including the UK.

Full Event details coming very soon.

With Renegade Theatre

Renegade Theatre founded by Natasha Langridge was set-up in 2009 as an umbrella to create and produce plays for, with and about her local community in North Kensington. A long time resident Natasha feels passionate about her community and has been instrumental in bringing the community together and giving the local residents a voice.
